The most important questions of PR 2020

Wake-up call for communicators and their bosses

If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would spend the first 55 minutes just trying to find the right question because once I had it, I could solve the problem in less than 5 minutes. Albert Einstein is said to have said this once. But what are the most important issues that our industry should address? What moves us forward and ensures success and survival? With this in mind, we approached experienced communicators and asked them to send us their most important questions for the PR industry in Germany in 2020. The resulting collection of questions was the valuable basis for this study project. For the almost most important 100 questions in PR, we looked for the best answers in five rounds of questions. From the very extensive response from the industry, we have selected 329 answers because, in our estimation, they reflect particularly impressively what concerns PR managers. For us, the answerers are the brightest minds of PR 2020 . Our thanks also go to them, because they have devoted themselves to the questions, in part with remarkable energy, and provided an exciting potpourri of impulses that make this book worth reading.

Die wichtigsten Fragen der PR 2020 | IMWF Verlag

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