- March 9, 2023
- Posted by: Die Redaktion
- Category: READING TIPS

The School for Communication and Management (SCM) and MPM Corporate Commucation Solutions are investigating the progress of digitalization in IC, the resulting opportunities and risks, and the effects on everyday work as part of the digital internal communication (IC) trend monitor. The survey of 226 communications managers from various industries reflects the status quo of digital ICT and demonstrates the challenges that transformation processes entail. One important finding is that the level of digitization has been rather low to date. Only 16.4 percent say they are close to having a contemporary digital IC to reach their employees well. 58.4 percent are on track, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. There is also a great need to catch up with regard to the strategic orientation of change communication. Only 20.2 percent have defined clear communication goals, and only 4.9 percent check them by means of evaluation. There is also potential for optimization in the quantitative measurement of the impact of communications: 36.6 percent do not collect any data at all and 35.4 percent have data but hardly evaluate it. The main reasons cited for this are a lack of tools and a lack of know-how. An exciting study that encourages people to rethink the progress of their own digitization and provides communications managers with helpful impulses.
The study is based on an online representative panel survey of around 3,500 Internet users, which has been conducted annually since 2011. The complete Social Media Atlas 2022 is available free of charge for members of the CommTech AG. If you are interested, please contact joerg.forthmann@faktenkontor.de.